January 10, 2025You are now able to create an account again. Sorry it was broken! Hope everyone had a nice New Years :) - Malcolm
September 4, 2024The web version of the game was experiencing pretty heavy lag. This should now be a lot better!
July 4, 2024Try out the new screen recorder on the web version. From the in-game menu, press the "Replay" button. You can then record your run. To convert the recording to video, press the right-most play button with stripes. This feature is still in development so if you notice anything weird or have any suggestions please let me know! - Malcolm
May 28, 2024Shredsauce is now playable again. Sorry for the wait. I'm still in the process of testing things out. Saving content will work again soon. If you notice anything else please let me know on Instagram @shredsauce - Malcolm
May 27, 2024There will be some server maintenance on May 28th between 6AM EST and 1PM EST. Please refrain from creating/updating any content during this time. Sorry in advance for the inconvenience. - Malcolm
February 6, 2024Rooms created on the mobile versions were causing issues with lag. Attempting to create a room on a faulty mobile version will result in an error message. Sorry for the inconvenience. Creating rooms still works on the web version. I'll be uploading a mobile fix soon! - Malcolm
February 1, 2024The Shredsauce Discord is a great place to talk about Shredsauce/skiing related stuff. Find good grabs/gear, report bugs and suggestions for the game.
December 25, 2023Merry Christmas and happy shredding! - Malcolm
December 21, 2023Here's how you can set your gear to look like santa
December 9, 2023• Record a clip of your best trick at the AnyTides spot in Fred's Sawesome level • Upload your clip to Instagram. Be sure to tag #shredsauceanytidescomp • Contest ends Friday December 15th. Prizes: 1st: Sauce Hoodie & Pants 2nd: Crewneck & Windbreaker 3rd: Clambo & Beanie
February 19, 2023Good place to hang out, exchange gear/grabs/levels, and make suggestions for future improvements to the game.
February 14, 2023The server's been upgraded to accommodate the growing number of players. There are still some things to optimize but you should notice the game loading things much faster. Happy Valentine's day, I love you all. - Malcolm
February 7, 2023There will be a YouTube stream happening this Friday on Fred's new map "Sawce Valley". Be sure to subscribe to the channel!
December 25, 2022I hope everyone's holidays are going well. Check out the Christmas sesh organized by Cube and filmed by Cow.
September 1, 2022* Fixed jerky animations. They're much smoother now. * Level editor bug fixes.
August 22, 2022Sticker packs are now available in the shop!
August 15, 2022* Snowboard works in multiplayer * Europe multiplayer server * Option to show when players join/leave a multiplayer game * Rejoin a multiplayer room without having to wait a minute * Option to remove double tap to fast spin feature * Ring doorbell for locked rooms * Mobile: Fixed lincoln slider bug * Mobile: Ad banner no longer gets in the way of controls
August 7, 2022Shredsauce was launched on August 7, 2012. It's gone through a bunch of changes since. Stay tuned for new updates dropping as well as the announcement for another live slopestyle competition.
February 23, 2022The multiplayer server got an upgrade. You should no longer be seeing the 'Shredsauce has reached its capacity' message anymore.
February 2, 2022Go check out VR and Fred's recreation of the Olympic Slopestyle Beijing 2022 level!
January 4, 2022The comp yesterday was a success! 1st: jt9 2nd: a cow 3rd: lazysauce Big thank you to VR and Matrich for helping organize and judge. Also, thank you Moonsaucer for letting me pollute your beautiful level with b-nets. Stay tuned for more comps in the future! -Malcolm
December 20, 2021Maintenance took a little longer than expected. If you are having trouble running the game, please try clearing your cache and force refreshing the page (hold shift while refreshing). I hope everyone's holidays are going well so far.
December 19, 2021The rating system is fixed and back up for the web version. Rating on mobile is still down. -Malcolm
December 18, 2021Levels and gear are being worked on and will not save. Check back again later today. Sorry for the inconvenience! -Malcolm
December 18, 2021Level/gear saving is still under maintenance. However, it is available on at the following beta link along with a fixed rating system. Please use the beta link to work on levels and gear. -Malcolm
December 6, 2021I have temporarily disabled ratings. People have been using bots to exploit the rating system in order to upvote their own levels/grabs/gear while downvoting others. This is unfortunate since the rating system is one of the most important features in Shredsauce. I am working to make it harder to tamper with. -Malcolm
April 11, 2021Listen to me talk about Shredsauce with Ethan on Two Planker Podcast.
March 7, 2021There was an issue with grab/anim pack saving that should now be fixed. It was a server-side issue so no update is required. Sorry for the frustration!
December 24, 2020Merry Christmas everybody. Hope everyone is doing lots of shredding.
October 7, 2020Sorry for the chatless downtime
October 6, 2020I am aware of the broken chat and am working on a fix! In the meantime you will have to communicate via sign language using custom grabs.
October 5, 2020Gameskeys included Shredsauce in their list of hidden gems to play. Pretty cool! Link to the article
August 24, 2020The level editor and gear editor saving is fixed. Account registration is also fixed.
August 7, 2020Shredsauce turns 8 years old today!
May 31, 2020Apologies for the broken remove ads IAP in the previous update. If you were affected by this, please email me malcolm@shredsauce.com with your username.
May 22, 2020- Save/load grab packs! - Made changes to the grab selector. Grabs are now easier to select - Removed the old, confusing way to map grabs - Level editor is more robust - Improved multiplayer - Reverts added. On mobile, slide crouch finger up and then left in an upside down L motion. In the browser version, double tap then hold the butter key.
September 4, 2019Subscribe to Shredsauce's Youtube channel!
August 7, 2019It's been 7 years since the release of Shredsauce. The legacy version of the game is fixed and can be played through the browser now.
July 8, 2019One of the illest edits yet by Fred and JL on Moonsaucer's Moon Sauce map
May 30, 2019Check out the live stream test!
April 24, 2019Trippy line from Badtrip on sk8erpoo's Foggy Trip Sauce map.
April 23, 2019Shredsauce is undergoing scheduled maintenance from 9AM EST until 1PM EST. Sign-in will be disabled during this time. -Malcolm
April 20, 2019I'll be doing some spring cleaning on the servers. They're in desperate need of optimization. You'll still be able to play Shredsauce, you just won't be able to sign in to your account on Tuesday April 23 between 9AM EST and 1PM EST. After that everything will be back to normal. Happy 420/Easter :) -Malcolm
April 9, 2019You should now be able to log in. All levels created prior to April 4th have been restored. Some grabs and gear items have yet to be restored but are scheduled to this week. The mobile/web multiplayer versions are now out of sync but will be fixed in the upcoming mobile update. Shredsauce is now hosted with Sphere48. Fred (aka Fredsawce on insta) is behind Sphere48 and also happens to be one of the best saucers. Measures are being taken to ensure a Saucepacolypse of this magnitude doesn't happen for at least the next 1000 years. -Malcolm
March 4, 2019Try out the new camera angles. Type in "camerasteeze" to activate the cheat. Multiplayer is smoother now but will not work with previous versions of the game.
January 29, 2019Web version 2.4.3 gets a huge performance upgrade. You will notice that the frame rate is no longer be in the single digits on more detailed levels.
January 9, 2019Level loading optimizations. You may notice larger levels taking a few seconds to appear. But they should run a little quicker now :)
November 29, 2018Update 2.4 is out for mobile and web versions of the game. Release notes: - Christmas trees are back! - Lobby has a cleaner look - Fixed characters flailing around glitch - Grabs line up correctly with hands - Other bug fixes - Faster shaders - Level features can be loaded in remotely
November 9, 2018Shredsauce will undergo database maintenance on Tuesday November 13, 2018. You will not be able to create a new account from 8AM EST until 1PM EST. Don't worry though, you'll still be able to log into your existing account or log in as a guest to play.
November 6, 2018Badtrip's new edit New Wave. Collab with Jolle and Jrat
October 8, 2018Shredsauce will have a booth at iF3 Montreal again this year. Come stop by and shred!
August 20, 2018You can now create grabs that work on rails and/or ground. If you're on iOS or Android, you will need to update the app.
August 7, 2018Search "Birthday" in the customization menu for a a party hat and balloon. Find out how you can win a Shredsauce hoodie.
May 15, 2018Opening levels in the level editor loads from remote database. -Fixed broken grabs if no grabs were set or not connected to the Internet
April 25, 2018Character customization and Lincoln loops are here for mobile! Along with a bunch of other fixes including the annoying rail floating glitch.
February 7, 2018Get Shredsauce clothing and stickers.
January 9, 2018The gear editor only works on the web for now. For mobile, customize your character while signed in on the web version, then sign in on mobile.
January 3, 2018Sorry for the downtime. I had messed something up real bad on the server. -Malcolm
November 23, 2017 - Fixed really annoying memory problem in WebGL browser version. - Grab editor now has Undo/Redo - Butters fixed. Doesn't change from switch/forward buttering. - Fixed hilarious/annoying rag doll dog piles in multiplayer. - Prompt before quitting in Play and Edit modes in level editor to avoid losing work (sorry this wasn't added before Mort!) - Added sounds. (WIP) - Christmas trees! If you aren't getting the new version, force refresh by holding Shift while refreshing the browser.
September 11, 2017- Shredsauce will have a booth at iF3 this year! Make sure you stop by and throw down a run - Selecting grabs is now easier. Instead of going through a dropdown list and selecting the correct grab slot, just press the grab key or move the right thumbstick in the direction of the grab you want to replace. Update only affects
August 15, 2017Update only affects web version Features * Splitscreen multiplayer * New input system (easier to set up a controller) Bug fixes * Online lobby "game doesn't exist" issue fixed * Braking animations fixed (would stay stuck sometimes and glitch out when skiing switch) *username stays on top of head
July 23, 2017Chat now shows unread messages
July 16, 2017There was a mobile bug that allowed other users to modify your levels. It has been patched. It was an oversight on my part so I apologize for the nuisance
June 14, 2017The WebGL version should be less buggy now. The mobile version has been updated as well. You can now create and select custom grabs.
April 26, 2017It's not 100% ready, but you can check out the ragdolling by hitting U on the keyboard.
April 6, 2017What better way to announce the new news feed than to make a news feed post about it! If you're having memory issues, Chrome seems to be the most consistent browser. Hang tight, I'm working on a more permanent solution. The latest news will also appear on the homepage.
April 2, 2017Sorry for the downtime, Shredsauce should be back up again. If you're still having issues send me an email at malcolm@shredsauce.com I'll do my best to help you out! - Create your own grabs - Choose grabs made by others - Search for grabs by name - Search for levels by name - Improved multiplayer lobby (you can preview the level before joining) - New chat If it's not working, you are getting memory issues, or want to play with your mobile friends, you can still play the old version here Old version
August 7, 2016Celebrate its birthday with the new multiplayer version for mobile iOS Android
July 14, 2016- Nicer Chat UI - Max players per room in Multiplayer is bumped up to 8
July 13, 2016
July 6, 2016- Pressing Q now points your screen in the direction of the closest player. This change should make it easier to play games of SLVSH! - Players inactive for more than 5 minutes now get kicked out of the game
July 4, 2016Fixed a bug in multiplayer where you some people wouldn't spawn\
June 18, 2016You can now play multiplayer on the web version! It's still being worked on so there are plenty of bugs. Try it out and let me know what you think!
April 9, 2016 Check out the new mobile update for Shredsauce!
Play it for free on iOS and Android devices
March 17, 2016Chrome users will now be redirected to the WebGL version of Shredsauce. Known issues
March 3, 2016Thanks to all who entered the J Skis park building contest. There were over over 80 entries with Bunghole.'s level named "J Skis Special by Bunghole." coming out on top. There are tons of options with great flow and all the features are smooth. It's a lot of fun to play and definitely deserving of a pair of J Skis and being featured in the upcoming mobile update! Play the winning level
February 22, 2016You can now search for levels by title. Check it out! Search page Spinning was a little broken so the character kept spinning more than he should. This has been fixed. The block landing in the level editor no longer disappears when you go into play mode A fullscreen button has been added to the level editor's menu
February 12, 2016Shredsauce park builders! We have teamed up with J Skis to bring you the Park Building Contest. The winner will receive a pair of J Skis. More info
December 29, 2015-A "trees" tab has been added to the level editor. Bug fixes: -Butter animations no longer have wonky skis. Butters still kind of suck and need a bit more work though -Level selector pagination wasn't showing up anymore -Switch boost fixed
You can now undo/redo changes in the level editor. A few new features have been added as well.
September 1, 2015Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates over the last little while. I've been working on some new stuff. If you have any feedback at all let me know! http://shredsauce.com/ What's new: Character: -Slightly new look -In air animations so the guy isn't just a boner if he isn't grabbing -Uses the new animation system in Unity -Butters --> N + left/right arrow keys -Presses --> N + up/down arrow keys Input -You can now change your key bindings. -This is useful if you hate the placement of a certain key on the keyboard -Since controller mapping depends on the driver and the controller, it's also good for mapping the controller buttons Level editor I had an unofficial level editor a while back with an account system. Quite a few people made accounts but I never actually released it. -Save levels to database -Custom level pages that can be shared. Other users with an account can "star" your level -Terrain deformer -Terrain painting -Mountains no longer look like boobs Level selector Clicking Play now leads to the level selector -Up/down vote rating system -Sort by Hot, Latest, Top rated day / week / month / all time, My levels, Starred
August 7, 2015
February 25, 2015The app is finally out for iPhone and Android devices
Link to Google Play
Link to iOS App Store
Let me know what you think!
September 12, 2014You can tilt the terrain now. Also added in a few new features and fixed some bugs including one where the guy kept getting stuck on rail kinks.
August 7, 2014
February 27, 2014War of Rails site
December 7, 2013http://shredsauce.com/level/
August 7, 2013
April 3, 2013ON3P "Secret Sauce Open" recap and winners Click here
March 1, 2013You can boost in the direction you're facing now. (0 key on a keyboard and click the right thumbstick for the controller)
February 22, 2013
December 28, 2012
December 28, 2012I added quarterpipes to the Level Creator. I also added a duplicate button (located above the delete button).
December 10, 2012I added a few more features to the level editor. I also fixed the rotation glitch and session markers.
November 23, 2012You can now build your own parks. To save them copy/paste the code. I can't wait to see what you guys build!
November 8, 2012I added tweaked mute and fixed a few animations.
tweak left: top-right on the right thumbstick + right trigger
tweak right: top-left on the right thumbstick + left trigger
tweak left: A --> E
tweak right: Z --> R
October 4, 2012
October 4, 2012Added tweaked japan and fixed the tweaked safety so it works for the left and right hands. Added a quad kink and tested out a new method for preventing the ghost jump glitch. If you're not seeing the new update hold shift while refreshing the page.
September 24, 2012
September 22, 2012A lot of you have been asking for it so I added a halfpipe!
The date at the bottom should read September 22. If it still says September 14, hold shift while refreshing the page.
September 11, 2012I made the jump line longer and made left alt,command or windows the key for right shifty and left shift or ctrl the key for left shifty.
September 5, 2012
August 27, 2012I fixed a some glitches and added a few more features.
August 17, 2012I changed the park up a bit. Let me know what you think!
August 15, 2012A lot of people have been asking for a way of crouching to gain speed without having to pop. Now you can also crouch if you hold the left thumbstick up or hold the Up Arrow on the keyboard.
I also rearranged the keyboard grabs a bit (A/S and F/V needed to be switched)
August 11, 2012On a controller: Press select to set the marker and start to restart. Hold start for a second to start back from the top
With the keyboard: Press tab to set the marker and R to restart. Hold R for a second to start back from the top
If it isn't working hold shift while refreshing the page. You'll know you have the latest version if the date is August 11 at the bottom left.
August 10, 2012You should be able to use the controller on a PC now! Test it out and let me know if it works. I also added a few more features.
August 7, 2012
November 30, -0001Added bow & arrow grab.
Tweak right: top on the right thumbstick right trigger
Tweak left: top on the right thumbstick + left trigger
Tweak right: B+E (Strange coincidence)
Tweak left: B+R